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国庆祝福祖国(30 用简短的英语祝福祖国国庆节快乐)

发布时间:2022-09-16 00:00

The deep affection for my motherland permeates my hot blood and beats in my hot heart.


Fifty-six people like fifty-six color silk, densely woven the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland.


This national day, full of serious word back in my mind, it's class ancestors with blood and life for now, these two words are rooted in the earth Chinese, budded, and will become more and more powerful, more brilliant, it will never fall in Chinese earth; so I want to shout long live the motherland.


I grew up in the motherland, and the motherland took root in my heart.


My motherland is strong, strong motherland; rich, I am rich, my motherland and related by flesh and blood!


标签 英语 / 快乐 / 国庆节 / 国庆 / 祖国 / 祝福 / 短的 / 用简 /