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发布时间:2022-09-17 07:17

法国的英文是 France,读作 [ˈfræns]。

两位法国人在非洲森林里经历了种种奇遇。The two Frenchmen went through strange adventures in the African forests. 他在法国内阁中任过许多重要职务。He had held many important offices in the French cabinet. 1789年的法国革命是19世纪各国资产阶级革命的先声。The French Revolution of 1789 heralded other bourgeois revolutions in the 19th century. 法国的外交部长相当于美国的国务卿。The French Minister of Foreign Affairs is the equal of American Secretary of State.

标签 怎么 / 英语 / 法国 / century /