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发布时间:2022-09-17 07:37

our reference的意思是:我们的备案号码;档案编号;合作机构reference:参考;查阅;给(书等)附参考资料例句:

1.If you were content to remain at rest or in uniform motion relative to anunaccelerated frame of reference, no force would be needed.如果你愿意相对于一个非加速的参照系去保持静止或匀速运动,并不需要有力作用。

2.You can only return variables by reference, not the result of a statement.只能通过引用返回变量,而不是语句的结果。

3.and it has been used for reference meaning of the computer detection onaeromagnetic abnormity.这一思想对研究航磁异常计算机检测有一定的借鉴意义。

4.It was a bit old document but at least you can use it as reference.这是一个有点老的文件,但至少你可以使用它作为参考。

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