苏州中考录取分数线(苏州四星级高中有哪些?录取分数线大概是 我的自画像(我的自画像怎么写) 名字有什么意义(名人或伟人名字的含义) 英语口语交际(英语口语比较差怎么办) 仁爱英语七年级上册(仁爱英语七年级上册57--1a翻译) 三年级下册语文教学总结(三年级语文老师让把全书课文都背了, 八年级下册英语试卷(我已经初二了,对英语一窍不通,有什么英 政治思想总结(政治思想工作表现怎么填) 关于快乐的作文(描写快乐的结尾) 昆虫记读后感400字(读《昆虫记红蚂蚁》有感400字)


发布时间:2022-09-21 05:13

I have a good friend.She is 15 years old.She is not very tall.But she is health.She work very hard and she like play sport.She is good at English.She often help othen people with their study.We all like her very much.

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